Rebirth by DK bottle (8oz)


Rebirth by DK bottle (8oz)


8oz bottle of Hair growth oil that works for all hair textures & is safe for babies & children !

Their are 5 oils & 5 herbs that make up this great solution ! ( no nuts at all for those who are allergic )

Oils provide :

Vitamin E

Protiens & Minerals

Stimulates hair follicles

Dandruff/ scalp control

Antimicrobial cleasing properties to avoid telegan stage

Vitamin C

Herbs provide :


Strengthens/ prevents hair breakage

Rich in antioxidants

Frizz control

Improves blood circulation to scalp

Antifungal properties

Strengthens/ prevents hair breakage

Rich in antioxidants

Frizz control

Improves blood circulation to scalp

Antifungal properties

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